§ 23-27.3- Penalties forviolation as to manufactured homes. Whoever violates any provision of the federal act, including § 610 (42U.S.C. § 5409), §§ 23-27.3-109.1.3 23-27.3-109.3.4, orany federal or state regulation or final order issued thereunder shall beliable for a civil penalty not to exceed a thousand dollars ($1,000) for eachviolation. Each violation of a provision of §§ 23-27.3-109.1.3 23-27.3-109.3.4, the federal act or any regulation or order issued thereundershall constitute a separate violation with respect to each manufactured home orwith respect to each failure or refusal to allow or perform an act requiredthereby, except that the maximum civil penalty may not exceed one milliondollars ($1,000,000) for any related series of violations, occurring within oneyear from the date of the first violation. Any individual, or a director,officer, or agent of a corporation who knowingly and willfully violates§§ 23-27.3-109.1.3 23-27.3-109.3.4 or any section of thefederal act in a manner which threatens the health or safety of any purchasershall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned notmore than one year, or both.