§ 23-27.3- Monitoring inspectionfee. (a) The commissioner may establish a monitoring inspection fee in an amountestablished by the secretary of housing and urban development (HUD). Thismonitoring inspection fee shall be an amount paid by each manufactured homemanufacturer in that state.
(b) The monitoring inspection fee shall be paid by themanufacturer to the secretary of HUD or the secretary's agent who shalldistribute the fees collected from all manufactured home manufacturers amongthe approved and conditionally-approved states based on the number of newmanufactured homes whose homes' first location after leaving the manufacturingplant is on the premises of a distributor, dealer, or purchaser in that state,and the extent of participation of the state in the joint monitoring teamprogram established under the National Manufactured Home Construction andSafety Standards Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. § 5401 et seq.