§ 23-27.3-122.1.2 Notice or orders Service and content. Every notice or order authorized by this code shall be in writing and shall beserved on the owner or the person responsible as defined in Article 2:
(1) By any person authorized to serve civil process withinthe state, by serving a copy of the order or notice personally upon the owneror person responsible or by leaving a copy of the order or notice at the owneror person responsible's last and usual place of abode; or
(2) By sending the owner or person responsible a copy of theorder or notice by regular mail and certified mail, to the last known addressof the owner or owners; or
(3) If the last and usual place of abode of the owner orperson responsible is unknown, and a due and diligent search fails to locatethe individual, by posting a copy of the order or notice in a conspicuous placeon or about the premises in violation.