§ 23-27.3-122.2 Prosecution of violation. If the notice of violation is not answered and corrections scheduled asapproved and complied with within thirty (30) days after service, unlessotherwise provided in this code, the building official may request legalcounsel of the municipality to institute the appropriate proceeding at law orin equity in a court of competent jurisdiction, including municipal housingcourts, the municipal court of the town of Westerly, and the municipal court ofthe town of North Providence now existing or hereafter established by action ofthe general assembly, to restrain, correct, or abate the violations or torequire the removal or termination of the unlawful use of the building orstructure in violation of the provisions of this code or of the order ordirection made pursuant thereto. The court action shall have precedence on thecalendar after court actions commenced pursuant to § 34-18-10, and shallcontinue to have precedence on the calendar on a day-to-day basis until thematter is heard.