§ 23-27.3-124.1 Unsafe conditions. A building, sign, or structure shall be declared unsafe by the buildingofficial if any one of the following conditions exists upon the premises:
(1) The building is vacant, unguarded, and open at doors orwindows thereby permitting unauthorized entry; or
(2) There is a hazardous accumulation of dust, debris, orother combustible material therein; or
(3) There is a falling away, hanging loose or loosening ofany siding, block, brick, or other building material; or
(4) There is a deterioration of the structure, or structuralparts, or a structural weakness exists whereby the continued use and occupancywould endanger the lives of the occupants or those using public or private landin the immediate area; or
(5) The building has been partially destroyed or has beensubstantially damaged by the elements, acts of God, fire, explosion, orotherwise, and is vacant, regardless of whether or not the building is securedto prevent unauthorized entry; or
(6) The building or structure has been vacant or unused formore than one hundred eighty (180) days, whether or not it has been boarded,guarded, and/or closed at all doors and windows, and has remained in acondition such that the repairs necessary to make the building or structuresafe and sanitary for occupancy exceed fifty percent (50%) of the fair marketvalue of the building or structure in its present condition.
(7) The building, sign, or structure constitutes a fire orwindstorm hazard or is, in the opinion of the building official, otherwisedangerous to human life or public health, safety, and welfare; or
(8) There is an unusual sagging or leaning out of plumb ofthe building or any parts of the building, and the effect is caused bydeterioration or over-stressing; or
(9) The electrical or mechanical installation or systemscreate a hazardous condition contrary to the standards of this code or the codein effect at the time of construction; or
(10) An unsanitary condition exists by reason of inadequateor malfunctioning sanitary facilities or waste disposal systems; or
(11) The use or occupancy of the building is illegal orimproper because the building does not comply with the allowable areas, height,type of construction, fire resistance, means of egress, liveload, or otherfeatures regulated by the code in effect at the time of construction; or
(12) Whenever the building or structure has been so damagedby fire, wind, or flood, or has become so dilapidated or deteriorated as tobecome an attractive nuisance to children who might play therein to theirdanger.