§ 23-27.3-127.2.1 Membership and localboard. Any building code board of appeals duly established by ordinance or otherwisein a city or town and in existence on July 1, 1977, shall qualify as a localboard of appeals under § 23-27.3-127.0, notwithstanding anything to thecontrary contained in this section. However, the procedure and rights forappeal for the board of appeals shall be governed by this code. If a city ortown has not duly established by ordinance or otherwise a local building codeappeals board by July 1, 1977, the city or town shall establish a board ofappeals, hereinafter referred to as the local board of appeals, consisting offive (5) members appointed by the chief executive officer of the city or town;one member appointed for five (5) years, one for four (4) years, one for three(3) years, one for two (2) years and one to serve for one year or until his orher successor has been appointed, provided, however that appointments to thebuilding code board of appeals for the city of East Providence shall be made byunanimous vote of the city council of the city of East Providence.