§ 23-27.3-128.4 Testing required. (a) The referenced standards listed in the appendices or the text of this codecontain many field or agency tests which are required for the properinstallation or erection of any building or structure and its componentstructural, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing assemblies. It shall be theresponsibility of the engineer or architect to specify the tests as required by§ 23-27.3-128.2.2 of this code and listed in this code, and its standards;the owner or the contractor shall then secure the necessary professionalservices to perform the tests. The engineer or the architect shall file theperiodic test reports and report any deviations or any corrective measures tobe taken as required in § 23-27.3-128.2.2(3).
(b) A list of the building components to be tested and thetests to be performed, shall be on file prior to the phase of the constructionbeginning. The building official may require additional testing in order toassure compliance with the requirements of this code.