§ 23-28.01-4 Powers and duties. The powers necessary to implement the provisions of this act shall be vested inthe fire marshal, as provided for in chapter 28.2 of this title as amended, whoshall have, except as specifically provided otherwise in this title, all of thepowers of the authority having jurisdiction as are set forth in the UniformFire Code (NFPA 1) and the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) of the National FireProtection Association, Inc., 2003 editions, with annexes, as those areupdated, amended, altered, or deleted, and by the addition of certainprovisions of the fire safety code board of appeal and review, and who maydelegate authority as provided by law, and in the Fire Safety Code Board ofAppeal and Review, as provided for in chapter 28.3 of this title, which shallprovide by rules and regulations for the efficient and reasonableimplementation of the provisions of the fire safety code.