§ 23-28.01-6 Coordinated administration ofFire Safety and Building Codes. (a) The fire marshal and the state building commissioner shall jointly adviseby July 1, 2004, the joint committee on the rehabilitation building code forexisting buildings and structures, established by chapter 29.1 of this title,with regard to any conflicts between fire safety codes and building codes andthe enforcement thereof. The joint committee shall develop comprehensiverecommendations by October 1, 2004, for resolving such conflicts, whichrecommendations shall be submitted to the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal andReview and the State Building Code Standards Committee, as appropriate, forconsideration and for implementation by rule or agreement by July 1, 2006. TheFire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review and the State Building CodeStandards Committee, shall hold a joint hearing or hearings, consistent withthe provisions of chapter 35 of title 42 for the purposes of consideration andadoption of such rules, regulations, and agreements as may be necessary toimplement the purposes of this paragraph.
(b) The Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review shallreport by February 1, 2004, to the general assembly with regard to allprovisions of the general and public laws that will be either superseded ormade obsolete by the adoption of changes to the Fire Safety Code.