§ 23-28.19-1 Tents for which licenserequired Application and issuance. No tent exceeding one hundred twenty square feet (120 sq. ft.) in area shall beerected, maintained, operated, or used in any city or town in this state exceptunder a license from the licensing authorities of the city or town. The licenseshall not be issued for a period exceeding thirty (30) days and shall berevocable for cause. Application shall be made on proper form and, when deemednecessary by the licensing authorities, shall include plans drawn to scale,showing exits, aisles, and seating arrangements and details of the structuralsupport of tent, seats, and platforms, etc. No license shall be issued untilthe provisions of this chapter have been complied with, and approval has beenobtained from the building department, the police department, the firedepartment, and, when tents are to be used for two hundred (200) or morepersons, from each and every department having jurisdiction over places ofassembly.