§ 23-28.20-12 Immunity from civilliability Persons assisting. Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, no person who withoutremuneration provides assistance upon request of any police agency, firecompany, first aid, rescue, or emergency squad, or other agency or unit ofgovernment in the event of an accident or other emergency situation involvingthe use, handling, transportation, transmission, or storage of liquefiedpetroleum gas shall be liable in any civil action to respond in damages as aresult of his or her acts of commission or omission arising out of and in thecourse of his or her rendering in good faith any assistance. Nothing hereinshall be deemed to grant any immunity to any person who caused the accident orother emergency situation, or to any other person causing damage as a result ofhis or her willful or wanton act of commission or omission.