§ 23-28.22-7 Attendant required. All self-service stations shall have at least one qualified attendant on dutywhile the station is open to the public. During all times that Class 1 liquidsare actually being dispensed, the attendant's primary function shall be tosupervise, observe, and control the dispensing of the liquids. It shall be theresponsibility of the attendant to prevent the dispensing of Class 1 liquidsinto portable containers unless the container is constructed of metal orapproved plastic or is approved by the authority having jurisdiction, has atight closure with screwed or spring cover, and is fitted with a spout or sodesigned that the contents can be poured without spilling. It shall also be theresponsibility of the attendant to control sources of ignition, and toimmediately handle accidental spills and fire extinguishers, if needed. Theattendant or supervisor on duty shall be capable of performing the functionsand assuming the responsibilities covered in this section.