§ 23-28.28-1 Definitions. (a) "Boosters" mean a casing containing several ounces of a high explosive usedto increase the intensity of explosion of the detonator of a detonating fuse.
(b) "Dealer" means any person, not a manufacturer, engaged inthe business of buying and selling explosives other than empty cartridge shells(primed), percussion caps, small arms ammunition, small arms primers, andsmokeless powder for small arms.
(c) "Electric squibs" mean small tubes or blocks containing asmall quantity of ignition compound in contact with a wire bridge.
(d) "Explosive bombs" mean any explosive or incendiarymaterial designed and constructed that when dropped, thrown, projected, orplaced and initiated in any particular manner, will produce a violent releaseof high pressure and/or heat.
(e) "Explosive mines" mean metal containers filled with ahigh explosive and provided with a detonating device.
(f) "Explosive projectiles" mean metal shells loaded withexplosives for use in cannon.
(g) "Explosive torpedoes" mean metal devices containing ameans of propulsion and a quantity of high explosives.
(h) "Manufacturer" means any person who is engaged in themanufacture of explosives or who otherwise produces any explosives. Personsreloading small arms ammunition shall not be considered as manufacturers.
(i) "Person" means any individual, partnership, association,or corporation.
(j) "Primers," "percussion fuses," "combination fuses," and"time fuses" mean devices used to ignite powder charges of ammunition or theblack-powder bursting charges of projectiles.
(k) "Small arm primers" and "percussion caps" mean primersused for small arms ammunition.
(l) "Small arms ammunition" means any cartridge or shell foruse in a pistol, rifle, or shotgun, and shall include ball, shot, or blankcartridges or shells.
(m) "State fire marshal" shall mean the state fire marshal orhis or her designee.