§ 23-28.28-15 Military and public agenciesexempt. (a) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the armed forces of theUnited States, the national guard, the Rhode Island state guard, the RhodeIsland militia, and the Rhode Island independent chartered military commands,or to officers or employees of the United States or this state who areauthorized by the United States or the state to handle explosives nor to thepolice or fire departments of this state provided they are acting within theirofficial capacity and in the proper performance of their duties.
(b) Security devices as used by banks containing explosivesmay be used with special permission granted by the state fire marshal.
(c) The Rhode Island militia and independent charteredmilitary commands, as defined in title 31, may store explosives with specialpermission of the state fire marshal. No fee shall be charged by the state firemarshal for this permit.