§ 23-28.28-18 Manufacture of explosives. (a) The entire occupied portion of the premises of an explosives manufactoryshall be enclosed by a suitable fence to enable the management to have controlof all persons entering the premises, and any building in which wet fulminateis stored or dried shall be likewise enclosed within a separate enclosure, theentrance to which shall be kept locked. There shall be sufficient number ofnotices conspicuously posted on the outside of these enclosures warning of thebusiness conducted therein.
(b) The floor of any room in which fulminate is stored orused shall be covered with rubber matting, and only such an amount of fulminateas is required for immediate use shall be kept on hand. The wearing of shoeswith metal nails within such rooms is prohibited.
(c) No naphtha, bitumen, sulphur, charcoal, or any organicsubstance shall be stored in close proximity to any chlorate or perchlorate.
(d) Persons under the age of eighteen (18) years shall not beemployed in an explosive manufactory, and shall not be permitted to enter themanufactory unless accompanied at all times by some responsible person.
(e) Smoking shall be prohibited upon the premises ofexplosives manufactories, except that smoking may be permitted in such placesas may be authorized by the authority which issued the permit. Signs bearingthe words "NO SMOKING" shall be conspicuously posted about the premises wheresmoking is prohibited. Carrying of matches or other flame producing devicesupon the premises of explosives manufactories is prohibited except inreceptacles especially provided and only when authorized by the person incharge of the manufactory.