§ 23-28.28-32 Bond for blastingoperations. (a) The applicant for a permit to possess or to use explosives shall file abond with the state fire marshal in the penal sum of not less than fiftythousand dollars ($50,000), running to the state, with sureties approved by thestate fire marshal, and with such conditions as the state fire marshal shallreasonably deem necessary and for such additional penal sums as the state firemarshal shall determine to be necessary to cover the losses, damages, orinjuries that might ensue to persons or property by reason thereof.
(b) In addition to the requirement of section (a), prior tothe use of explosives for demolition or prior to the issuance of a demolitionpermit, the local building inspector may require the applicant to file a bondwith the locality in such amount, with such sureties and upon such conditions,as the local building inspector may reasonably deem necessary.
(c) Any person may recover on such bonds as described in thissection for injury to his or her person or property.