§ 23-28.28-7 Application for use permit Emergency permit. The applicant must submit application to the state fire marshal, on a formissued by the state fire marshal, at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to therequested blast time. In the case of an emergency (an unforeseen hindrance thatimpedes the progress of a job that will cause financial hardship to thecontractor if the hindrance is not rectified within a relatively short periodof time) the applicant may apply for a permit to blast not less thantwenty-four (24) hours before requested blast time and the state fire marshalmay issue the permit. If the state fire marshal issues the emergency permitthen applicant must hand deliver, immediately upon issuance by the state firemarshal, a copy of the emergency permit to the city or town clerk in the cityor town in which blasting is to be done. Failure of applicant to deliver a copyof the emergency permit shall result in a fine of five hundred dollars ($500)and suspension of license for sixty (60) days.