§ 23-28.3-2 Fire safety code board ofappeal and review Composition Appointment, terms, and removal ofmembers. (a) There is hereby created a fire safety code board of appeal and review,consisting of eleven (11) members who shall be appointed by the governor withthe advice and consent of the senate. Of the members of the board of appeal andreview, one shall be a representative of the permanent fire chief, one shall bea representative of the building inspectors, one shall represent industry, oneshall represent labor, one shall be a licensed architect, one shall be alicensed professional engineer, one shall be a representative of the fireprotection industry, one shall be a representative of the volunteer firechiefs, and three (3) shall be representatives of the public; provided,however, that one shall be an officer, partner, or proprietor of a Rhode Islandcompany that is a small business as defined by the United States Small BusinessAdministration. The governor shall designate one member of the board to bechairperson for a two (2) year term. The members of the board shall be chosenand shall hold office for six (6) years, and until their respective successorsare appointed and qualified. In the month of February in each year, thegovernor shall appoint successors to the members of the board whose terms shallexpire in that year, to hold office until the first day of March in the sixthyear after their appointments, and until their respective successors areappointed and qualified. Any vacancy which may occur in the board shall befilled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term in the samemanner as the original appointment. The members of the board at their firstannual meeting shall elect such other officers as they may deem necessary. Amember of the board may be removed by the governor only for cause and afterfiling of charges, notification thereof to the member, a hearing thereon beforethe state personnel appeal board, and the filing of findings by the board.
(b) The actions on appeals shall be determined by a majorityvote by members present with at least five (5) members in accord on anydecision.
(c) The chairperson of the board may appoint suchsubordinates and clerical and other assistants as may be necessary for theproper performance of its duties, within the limit of available appropriationstherefor, all of which appointments shall be in the unclassified service;provided, however, that the chairperson of the board, subject to the provisionsof chapter 4 of title 36, shall be the appointing authority for the executivedirector, who shall be in the classified service.