§ 23-28.4-5 Implementation plan. Each applicable fire department in the state shall formulate a written plan toimplement the requirements of NFPA 1500 not more than one hundred twenty days(120) after July 10, 1990 which shall be updated annually and a copy shall begiven to the director of labor and training to be kept on file, and a copyshall be given to the bargaining agent representing employees within the firedepartment. A copy of each applicable fire department's NFPA 1500implementation plan shall be forwarded by the department of labor and trainingto the NFPA 1500 Implementation Plan Review Committee, as established pursuantto § 23-28.4-5.1, within thirty (30) days after its receipt by thedepartment of labor and training. The plan shall identify each specificrequirement of NFPA 1500 for which the fire department currently complies andeach specific requirement for which corrective action must be initiated forcompliance. The plan shall include a timetable for corrective action. Thewritten plan shall be made available for review by any fire department employeeand/or employee representative. Compliance for each specific requirement ofNFPA 1500 shall be accomplished not later than three (3) years after June 9,1988.