§ 23-28.4-5.1 NFPA 1500 ImplementationPlan Review Committee Creation and membership. There is hereby created a NFPA 1500 Implementation Plan Review Committeeconsisting of three (3) members: one (1) of whom shall be appointed by theRhode Island League of Cities and Towns, one (1) of whom shall be appointed bythe Rhode Island State Association of Fire Fighters, and one (1) of whom shallbe appointed by the Rhode Island Fire Chiefs' Association. The terms of allmembers shall be for four (4) years.
The NFPA Implementation Plan Review Committee shall meet atthe call of the chairperson, but not less than bi-monthly to review theimplementation plans as submitted by the applicable fire departments pursuantto § 23-28.4-5. The Implementation Plan Review Committee, after reviewingeach fire department's implementation plan, shall make a report available as tothe progress of each applicable department's compliance or noncompliance withNFPA 1500 by January 1, 2007.