§ 23-28.4-6.1 Notice of pesticide andasbestos operations. (a) Every state or local municipal agency and every licensed asbestoscontractor under chapter 24.5 of this title, and certified commercialapplicator or licensed commercial applicator under chapter 25 of this title,shall notify the local fire fighting authorities of any asbestos abatementactivity or pesticide fumigation. This notice shall be in writing and shallinclude the address where the activity is to take place, the date and time theactivity is to be conducted and the materials to be used. Further, anypesticide fumigation involving any building structure which uses any type ofgas including, but not limited to, methyl bromide, phosphine, or sulfurylfluoride shall clearly display either a sign with the word "danger" or a signwith the symbol of a skull and crossbone.
(b) Any violation of asbestos abatement activity under theprovisions of this section shall be administered by the director of thedepartment of health in accordance with the provisions provided in chapter 24.5of this title. Any violation of pesticide fumigation under the provisions ofthis section shall be administered by the director of the department ofenvironmental management in accordance with the provisions provided in chapter25 of this title.