§ 23-28.5-1 Inspection of places wherecombustible materials accumulate. The authority having jurisdiction is hereby authorized and empowered to inspectat any reasonable hour all buildings, structures, or other places, exceptbuildings used wholly as dwelling houses, where any combustible material, thatis or may become dangerous as a fire menace to the buildings, structures, orother places, has been allowed to accumulate, or where the authority havingjurisdiction has reason to believe that the material of a combustible naturehas accumulated, or is liable to accumulate, provided, that any buildingconstructed so as to be occupied as dwellings in more than one apartment,reached by common stairs, hallways, entries, or corridors, or shall be soconstructed as to be occupied in part for a dwelling or dwellings, and in partfor business purposes, the stairs, hallways, entries and corridors, basement,storage areas, boiler rooms, and laundry rooms thereof used in common, shall besubject to inspection in the daytime as is provided above, and the occupant oroccupants thereof shall be subject to the same duties and liabilities as areprovided in the Fire Safety Code, and shall likewise be subject to theprovisions of § 23-28.5-3.