§ 23-29.1-1 Legislative findings andpurpose. The general assembly finds and declares:
(1) That there are throughout Rhode Island existing buildingsand structures that are vacant or partially vacant and/or underutilized becauserehabilitation of such buildings and structures to conform to the requirementsfor new structures under building and fire safety codes, is prohibitivelyexpensive or impractical;
(2) That buildings and structures that are vacant orpartially vacant constitute a public safety threat because of a lack ofoccupancy and a lack of investment in modernization and maintenance;
(3) That the presence of vacant and or partially vacantbuildings and structures contributes to blight and or to the loss of economicviability of traditional city, town or village centers;
(4) That reinvestment in existing buildings and structureswill strengthen local tax bases and provide employment opportunities inconstruction and building trades;
(5) That it is the purpose of this chapter to provide a codeand regulations for repairing, rehabilitating, altering, improving, adding toand changing the use of existing buildings and structures in a manner thatassures the health, welfare and safety of occupants and that facilitatesdesigning improvements to existing buildings and structures to the code in anoptimum manner with a minimum need to for variances; and
(6) That it is further the purpose of this chapter to providea single uniform, statewide, harmonious rehabilitation building code withbuilding code and fire safety code elements applicable to existing buildingsand structures.