§ 23-3-15.1 New certificates of birthfollowing foreign adoption Exempt from judicial proceedings. (a) A child who has automatically acquired United States citizenship followinga foreign adoption and possesses a certificate of citizenship in accordancewith the "Child Citizenship Act" (CAA, P.L. 106-395) shall be exempt from theprovisions of this chapter which require judicial procedures and reports toacquire a new birth certificate.
(b) The state registrar of vital records shall, upon writtenrequest, prepare a "Certificate of Foreign Birth" for a child who was born in aforeign country, adopted by a United States citizen and has automaticallyacquired citizenship in accordance with the "Child Citizenship Act" upon theproduction of the following documentations:
(1) Certificate of citizenship;
(2) Foreign birth certificate;
(3) Original documents certified by the United States Embassyabroad;
(4) Permanent United States identification card; and
(5) Social Security card.