§ 23-3-23 Disclosure of records. (a) To protect the integrity of vital statistics records, to insure theirproper use, and to insure the efficient and proper administration of the vitalrecords system, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of orto disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or to copy orissue a copy of all or part of any vital statistics record except as authorizedby regulation.
(b) The director of health may authorize under appropriatesafeguards the disclosure of data contained in vital statistics records forresearch purposes.
(c) Information in vital statistics records indicating that abirth occurred out of wedlock shall not be disclosed except as provided byregulation or upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or in the caseof persons born one hundred (100) years before the date of inspection.
(d) Appeals from decisions of the custodians of permanentlocal records refusing to disclose information, or to permit inspection of orcopying of records, of persons born one hundred (100) years before the date ofinspection, under the authority of this section and regulation issued underthis section, shall be made to the state registrar of vital records.Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, those records shall be open forresearch to any member of a legally incorporated genealogy society and thosesocieties shall be permitted to incorporate statistics derived from thoserecords in their publications, upon receipt of permission of the director ofhealth; and provided, further, that with the exception of attorneys at law,title examiners and members of legally incorporated genealogical societies, noperson, except the person whose birth is recorded, if over eighteen (18) yearsof age, or his or her parent or guardian if a minor, or his or her issue shallhave any access to or be permitted to examine the original or any copy of thebirth certificate or birth record, of any person in the custody of anyregistrar of vital records or of the state department of health.