§ 23-3-25 Fees for copies and searches. (a) The state registrar shall charge fees for searches and copies as follows:
(1) For a search of two (2) consecutive calendar years underone name and for issuance of a certified copy of a certificate of birth, fetaldeath, death, or marriage, or a certification of birth, or a certification thatthe record cannot be found, the fee is twenty dollars ($20.00). For eachduplicate copy of a certificate or certification issued at the same time, thefee is fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(2) For each additional calendar year search, if applied forat the same time or within three (3) months of the original request and ifproof of payment for the basic search is submitted, the fee is two dollars($2.00).
(3) For providing expedited service, the additional handlingfee is seven dollars ($7.00).
(4) For processing of adoptions, legitimations, or paternitydeterminations as specified in §§ 23-3-14 and 23-3-15, there shall bea fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(5) For making authorized corrections, alterations, andadditions, the fee is ten dollars ($10.00); provided, no fee shall be collectedfor making authorized corrections or alterations and additions on records filedbefore one year of the date on which the event recorded has occurred.
(6) For examination of documentary proof and the filing of adelayed record, a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00); and in addition to that fee,the fee is twenty dollars ($20.00) for the issuance of a certified copy of adelayed record.
(b) Fees collected under this section by the state registrarshall be deposited in the general fund of this state, according to theprocedures established by the state treasurer.
(c) The local registrar shall charge fees for searches andcopies of records as follows:
(1) For a search of two (2) consecutive calendar years underone name and for issuance of a certified copy of a certificate of birth, fetaldeath, death, delayed birth, or marriage, or a certification of birth or acertification that the record cannot be found, the fee is twenty dollars($20.00). For each duplicate copy of a certificate or certification issued atthe same time, the fee is fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(2) For each additional calendar year search, if applied forat the same time or within three (3) months of the original request and ifproof of payment for the basic search is submitted, the fee is two dollars($2.00).
(d) Fees collected under this section by the local registrarshall be deposited in the city or town treasury according to the proceduresestablished by the city or town treasurer except that six dollars ($6.00) ofthe certified copy fees shall be submitted to the state registrar for depositin the general fund of this state.