§ 23-3-5 Duties of state registrar ofvital records. (a) The state registrar of vital records shall:
(1) Administer and enforce this chapter and the rules andregulations issued under this chapter, and issue instructions for the efficientadministration of the statewide system of vital records.
(2) Direct and supervise the statewide system of vitalrecords and the division of vital records and be custodian of its records.
(3) Direct, supervise, and control the activities of localregistrars and the activities of town and city clerks related to the operationof the vital records system.
(4) Prescribe, with approval of the state director of health,and distribute any forms that are required by this chapter and the rules andregulations issued under this chapter.
(5) Prepare and publish annual reports of vital records ofthis state and any other reports that may be required by the state director ofhealth.
(6) Electronically transmit to the office of the secretary ofstate, on a monthly basis, a list of any reported deaths of a person or personseighteen (18) years of age or older, and maintain a list of those deceasedpersons.
(7) Provide a copy on alkaline paper or an electronic recordof each certificate of birth, death, and marriage to the city or town clerkbefore the tenth (10th) day of the month after the certificate is received bythe division of vital records as authorized by regulations.
(8) Flag birth certificates of missing children and performall other acts and duties required to be performed by him or her pursuant tochapter 28.8 of title 42.
(ii) Upon receipt of information pursuant to §42-28.8-3, provide the local registrars of the several cities and towns withthat information.
(9) Direct, supervise, and control the transition from apaper-based system to an electronic system.
(b) The state registrar of vital records, with the approvalof the director of health, may appoint a deputy state registrar and maydelegate any functions and duties vested in him or her to employees of thedivision of vital records and to local registrars that he or she deemsnecessary or expedient.