§ 23-3-7 Duties of local registrars. The local registrar, with respect to his or her respective city or town, shall:
(1) Administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter andinstructions, rules, and regulations issued under this chapter.
(2) Require that certificates be completed and filed inaccordance with provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations issuedunder this chapter.
(3) Transmit on or before the tenth (10th) day of each monththe certificates, reports, or other returns filed with him or her for thepreceding month to the state registrar of vital records or more frequently whendirected to do so by the state registrar of vital records.
(4) Maintain records, make reports, and perform all otherduties that may be required by the state registrar of vital records.
(5) Flag birth certificates of missing children and performall other acts and duties required to be performed pursuant to chapter 28.8 oftitle 42.