§ 23-33-12 Inspection Reinspection Examination and Licensee fee Renewal. (a) For every orignal inspection made by the inspectors under the provisions ofthis chapter, the owner shall pay to the division the required fee which shallinclude the cost of the certificate. The fee shall be paid in the amount ofamounts as set forth as follows:
Inspection of dumbwaiters $ 72.00
Biennial inspection of elevator or escalator 200.00
Inspection of elevator 120.00
Inspection of escalator or moving walk 120.00
Inspection of wheelchair lift 72.00
Inspection of vertical reciprocating conveyors 72.00
Annual renewal of authorized inspection permit 60.00
Authorized inspector's examination fee 60.00
This fee shall include the initial inspection.
Reinspection of elevators and escalators 90.00
Reinspection of all other devices 54.00
Delinquent payment fee 24.00
Duplicate certificate fee 12.00
Company license 240.00
Mechanics/Installers license 78.00
(2) A fee in the amount of one percent (1%) of the contractprice shall accompany each application for a permit to install or modernize anydevice subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(b) The inspection fee shall be paid immediately upon theconclusion of the inspection and before a certificate is issued, provided,however, that no inspection fees shall be paid by any city, town, or firedistrict, or state agency, or by any religious or charitable society,association, or church.
(c) A delinquent payment fee shall be due and payable on allinvoices received more than thirty (30) days past the billing date.
(d) All certificates shall be renewable annually except forthose certificates issued to locations with full maintenance contracts. Suchlocations shall be issued certificates valid for a period of two (2) years,unless the contract becomes null and void, in which case the certificate shallbecome annually renewable. All certificates shall be valid until revoked.