§ 23-33-15 Order to cease operation ormake repairs. If as a result of inspection, the chief shall determine that any elevator ordevice is in such a condition as to be unsafe, and that the danger is imminent,the chief shall order the operation of that elevator or device to be stoppedimmediately, and the certificate revoked, and shall physically render the unitinoperable, and thereupon operation shall be stopped until the elevator ordevice or the defective part or parts thereof shall be repaired or renewed andput in safe condition, and a new certificate thereof under the provisions ofthis chapter issued by the chief or compliance inspector. Where there is noimmediate danger, the chief or compliance inspector shall notify the owner orthe owner agent to remedy the defect or defects within such reasonable time ashe or she may prescribe, and if the defect or defects are not remedied withinthe prescribed time, the use of the elevator or device shall be discontinued atthe expiration thereof, and the certificate revoked until the elevator ordevice is put in a safe condition and a new certificate is issued by the chiefor compliance inspector.