§ 23-33-17 Notice of new installation Temporary permit for testing. No elevator or other device subject to the provisions of this chapter shall beerected in any building within the limits of this state unless it shall beconstructed, installed, and equipped in compliance with the rules set forth inthe code; and any person erecting or installing any elevator or other deviceshall immediately notify the division and the chief shall thereupon satisfyhimself or herself, either by inspection or by guaranty from the manufacturerof the device, that the elevator or device complies with the requirements ofthis chapter. Upon being so satisfied, the chief shall furnish to the owner ofthe elevator or device a permit authorizing the installation of the elevator ordevice, and the right to operate the elevator or device temporarily for testpurposes. The permit shall be conspicuously posted adjacent to the elevator ordevice being installed. The permit shall not authorize the regular operation ofthe elevator or device for the usual function of carrying freight or passengers.