§ 23-33-23 Safety devices on elevators. All hoistway or elevator openings through floors shall be fully enclosed by two(2) hour fire rated construction with one and one half (11/2) hour fire rateddoors. Any passenger elevator which is not constructed so as to allow egress ofpersons from the elevator in any position in which it might be stopped, byaccident or otherwise, shall be constructed or arranged so that the roof or thetop of the elevator, or a sufficient portion thereof to allow egress of personsfrom it, may be conveniently opened from the top of the car; all elevatorsshall be equipped with an alarm warning device, or other means which shall emita signal when the elevator is stuck between floors; and no elevator shall bethereafter used or operated which shall not be so constructed or arranged.Every elevator, except plunger elevators, shall be provided with some approvedsafety arrangement to prevent falling, and every elevator shall be fitted withsome suitable device to prevent the elevator car from being started until thedoor or doors opening into the elevator shaft are closed; and no person underthe age of eighteen (18) years shall take charge of or operate any elevator.