§ 23-37-1 Police authority of fire companyofficers at fire Right of entry. The chief, chief engineer, assistant engineer, captain, lieutenant, or anyother executive officer of any volunteer fire company, association, firedistrict company, or any other organization organized or created for thepurpose of extinguishing fires and preventing fire hazards, whether it isincorporated or not, and whether it is a paid department or not, when on dutyat a fire in the city or town where the fire headquarters or station of thecompany, association, or organization is located or in response to an alarm forsuch a fire shall, in the absence of the chief of police, have the power tosuppress any tumult or disorder and to command from the inhabitants of the cityor town all needful assistance for the suppression of fires and in thepreservation of property exposed to fire; the officers above enumerated shallalso have authority to go onto and enter any property or premises and to dowhatever may reasonably be necessary in the performance of their duties whileengaged in the work of extinguishing any fire or performing any dutiesincidental thereto.