§ 23-4.1-1 Declaration of policy andpurpose. (a) The general assembly declares that it is the policy of the state to savelives and speed the healing of persons injured in accidents or otherwise inneed of medical service by providing an emergency care system that will bringthe injured or sick person under the care of persons properly trained to carefor the injured or sick in the shortest practical time and that will providesafe transportation for the injured or sick person to a treatment centerprepared to receive the injured person.
(b) It is the purpose of this chapter to promote this policyby providing the means by which the best possible first aid treatment can bebrought to the injured or sick person in the shortest practical time and bywhich the injured or sick person can be safely transported to a medicaltreatment center in proper equipment that is designed to provide supportivecare for the injured or sick person and which is able to communicate with themedical treatment center regarding the treatment of the injured or sick person.
(c) It is the plan of this chapter to provide help for anyscheme of emergency medical service that provides trained personnel, furnishesadequate equipment, and which furnishes emergency medical service to the public.
(d) It is not the intent of this chapter to prevent theoperation of any nonprofit ambulance service which meets the minimum standardsas provided by this chapter for the training of ambulance personnel and formedical service equipment.