§ 23-4.1-19 Documentation of pre-hospitalexposure of emergency medical services workers. (a) Any emergency service worker responding on behalf of a licensedambulance/rescue service, or a fire department or a law enforcement agency whohas sufficient reason to believe that, in the course of their professionalduties, they have been exposed to bodily fluids or other substances that mayresult in the worker contracting a serious infection and/or illness shallcomplete a pre-hospital exposure form. The worker shall file a copy of the formwith the hospital receiving the transported patient believed to be the sourceof the infectious materials to which the worker believes he or she has beenexposed. The worker shall file the form with the hospital immediately postexposure. The worker shall retain a copy of the completed form, except for thatinformation protected by applicable confidentiality laws. The source patient'sdiagnostic information shall not appear on the pre-hospital exposure form.
(b) The director of the department of health, with the adviceof the ambulance services advisory board, shall develop the pre-hospitalexposure form, and shall make copies available to all agencies employingemergency medical service workers and hospitals.