§ 23-4.1-3 Duties of the director. (a) The director of health, referred to as the "director," shall have fullauthority to implement the provisions of this chapter and shall be guided bythe purposes and intent of this chapter.
(b) The director shall cooperate with hospitals, furnishersof ambulance services, local governments, police departments, fire departments,emergency units, first aid groups, or any other groups that furnish or workwith groups that furnish emergency medical services.
(c) The director shall cooperate with concerned agencies andindividuals to coordinate programs for training emergency medical technicians,and other persons who provide emergency medical care services, includingdispatchers. If funds are available, the director may establish training grantsto aid groups and communities to train people in emergency medical care.
(d) The standards used by the director under this chaptershall be reasonable and based upon local and statewide conditions. However, theminimum standards imposed by the director may be the standards issued by anyresponsible organization having its main concern the disposition of injuredpersons.
(e) The director shall annually submit a report to thegovernor and the general assembly.
(f) The director shall cooperate in the coordination ofambulance services throughout the state with local or state police and fireauthorities and other concerned agencies and individuals, including the statecivil defense agency. This coordination may be tested by local exercises fromtime to time.
(g) The director shall cooperate with concerned agencies andindividuals in the development of a state communications network involving thetransportation of injured persons by vehicles licensed under this chapter andhospitals. The director may allocate available funds for the establishing andmaintenance of a communications network involving vehicles, hospitals, andother emergency treating organizations within the state.
(h) The director shall cooperate with concerned agencies andindividuals in the development of a plan for the coordination of ambulancedispatching services with the state.