§ 23-4.1-8 Applications for license. (a) Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, municipality, volunteer units,or any other business or organization providing ambulance service shall, at thetime of license application, furnish the director of health with a list of allpersons authorized to act as an attendant of any ambulance owned or operated bythe applicant.
(b) The director shall provide application forms for licensesunder this section.
(c) Subject to the approval of the board, the director shallmake reasonable minimum standards of health, performance, fitness, education,and moral fitness. The director may use the guides established by the AmericanCollege of Surgeons' Board of Regents as a standard, except that a felonyconviction shall not necessarily disqualify an attendant.
(d) Each applicant shall hold a current certificate ofcompletion of at least an emergency medical technical-ambulance course approvedby the board.
(e) If there is a hardship imposed upon any applicant for alicense because of an unusual circumstance, the applicant may apply to thedirector for a temporary waiver of the licensing provisions for good causeshown. The director has the power to waive licensing provisions for a periodnot to exceed ninety (90) days.