§ 23-4.1-9 Revocation of license. (a) Any license granted under this chapter may be suspended or revoked by thedirector for cause, after a hearing. Appeal from a decision of the director maybe taken pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42.
(b) Cause for suspension or revocation of a license isfailure to comply with any of the provisions or standards of this chapter or ofany regulations of the director issued under authority of this chapter. Allinspection reports are rebuttable evidence of the facts or conclusions statedin them as to the compliance or noncompliance with the pertinent laws orregulations involved in the licensing.
(c) Before suspending or revoking a license, the directorshall give the licensee notice of the particular charge of violation againsthim or her.
(d) If the licensee fails to correct the deficiencies chargedagainst him or her, or fails to comply with the law or regulations to thesatisfaction of the director, the director shall notify the licensee of thecharges against him or her, and the time and place of the hearing on thecharges. The director shall set a reasonable time to allow a proper defenseagainst the charges. The licensee may be represented by counsel, and maypresent witnesses in his or her behalf. The director shall issue a writtendecision, which shall include findings of fact. The decision shall be sent tothe licensee by registered mail within ten (10) days of the decision.
(e) If any license is suspended or revoked, the holder shallimmediately stop all operations authorized by the license.