§ 23-4.10-8 Penalties. (a) Failure of a physician to transfer a patient pursuant to § 23-4.10-6shall constitute "unprofessional conduct" as that term is used in §5-37-5.1.
(b) Any person who willfully conceals, cancels, defaces, orobliterates the durable power of attorney of another absent the declarant'sconsent or direction or who falsifies or forges a revocation of the durablepower of attorney of another shall be imprisoned for no less than six (6)months but no more than one year, or shall be fined not less than two thousanddollars ($2,000) but no more than five thousand dollars ($5,000).
(c) Any person who falsifies or forges the durable power ofattorney of another, or willfully conceals or withholds personal knowledge of arevocation as provided in § 23-4.10-3 with the intent to cause awithholding or withdrawal of life sustaining procedures, shall be imprisonedfor no less than one year but no more than five (5) years, or shall be finednot less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) but no more than ten thousanddollars ($10,000).
(d) In addition to the sanctions and/or penalties previouslymentioned in this section, any physician or person referred to in this sectionor in violation of this section, shall be civilly liable.