§ 23-4.12-6 Severability. (a) If any one or more provisions, clauses, phrases, or words of §23-4.12-3 or the application of that section to any person or circumstance isfound to be unconstitutional, it is declared to be inseverable.
(b) If any one or more provisions, sections, subsections,sentences, clauses, phrases or words of the remaining sections or theapplication of them to any person or circumstance is found to beunconstitutional, they are declared to be severable and the balance of thechapter shall remain effective notwithstanding the unconstitutionality. Thelegislature declares that it would have passed this chapter, and eachprovision, section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or words, with theexception of § 23-4.12-3, irrespective of the fact that any one or moreprovisions, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or words bedeclared unconstitutional.