§ 23-4-1 Definitions. (a) "Assistant medical examiner" means a duly licensed doctor of medicine orosteopathy appointed to assist the office of state medical examiners on apart-time basis.
(b) "Autopsy" means the dissection of a dead body and theremoval and examination of bone, tissue, organs, and foreign objects for thepurpose of determining the condition of the body and the cause and the mannerof the death.
(c) "Cause of death" means the agent that has directly orindirectly resulted in a death.
(d) "Inquest" means an official judicial inquiry before amedical examiner and/or medical examiners jury for the purpose of determiningthe manner of death.
(e) "Manner of death" means the means or fatal agency thatcaused a death.
(f) "Postmortem examination" means examination after deathand includes an examination of the dead body and surroundings by an agent ofthe office of state medical examiners but does not include dissection of thebody for any purpose.