§ 23-4-11 Effects and property ofdeceased. An agent of the office of state medical examiners, as the case may be, may takeinto his or her possession all articles and property of the deceased on orabout the body and shall deliver them to the office of the chief medicalexaminer if an autopsy or postmortem examination is ordered, but shallotherwise deliver them to a member of the family taking a receipt for them.Provided, however, any letter, note, or any other written instrument, thecontents of which relate to the manner or cause of the death of the deceased,shall be permanently retained in the files of the office. If an autopsy isordered, the chief medical examiner shall upon completion of the investigationdeliver all other articles or property to a member of the family of thedeceased taking a receipt from that family member and, if any dispute existsamong members of the family, he or she shall hold the other articles orproperty for the executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased whenappointed. In the event that death shall have occurred in a hotel or otherpublic place where possessions of the deceased may be lying, an agent of theoffice of state medical examiners shall make suitable arrangements for theprotection of the property.