§ 23-4-3 Functions. The office of state medical examiners shall be responsible for:
(1) The investigation of deaths within the state that in itsjudgment might reasonably be expected to involve causes of death enumerated inthis chapter;
(2) For the conduct of inquests when requested by theattorney general;
(3) For the performance of autopsies, including theretention, examination and appropriate disposal of tissue, when appropriate,for deaths which in its judgment might reasonably be expected to involve causesof deaths enumerated in this chapter;
(4) For the written determination of the causes of deathinvestigated pursuant to this chapter;
(5) For the presentation to the courts of Rhode Island ofexpert testimony relating to the cause of death;
(6) For the keeping of complete records, including names,places, circumstances, and causes of deaths, of deaths investigated andreported, copies of which shall be delivered to the attorney general and ofwhich written determinations of causes of death shall be made available forpublic inspection;
(7) For the burial of bodies for which there is no otherexisting legal responsibility to do so; and
(8) For the development and enforcement of procedures for thepronouncement of death and for the transplantation of organs from bodies ofpersons who have died within the state.