§ 23-6.2-2 State to provide and distributedefibrillators. On or after September 30, 1998, the Rhode Island municipal police academy,after consultation with the coalition for public safety defibrillators, shallprovide two (2) defibrillators for distribution to each and every city or townin the state, one defibrillator to the State House, one defibrillator to eachcampus of the University of Rhode Island, one defibrillator to Rhode IslandCollege, and one defibrillator to each campus of the Community College of RhodeIsland. On or after July 1, 1999, thirty-five (35) defibrillators shall beprovided to the Rhode Island state police; two (2) defibrillators to the LichtJudicial Complex, two (2) defibrillators to the Garrahy Judicial Complex, two(2) defibrillators to the Kent County Leighton Judicial Complex, onedefibrillator to the Washington County McGrath Judicial Complex, onedefibrillator to the Newport County Murray Judicial Complex, and fifty (50)automated external defibrillators to cities or towns within the state basedupon current deployment levels of automated external defibrillators,population, and geographic need. These devices shall be placed in thepossession of the chief and/or the highest ranking member of the municipality'spolice department, the Rhode Island state police, the capitol police in theState House, the sheriff's department in each county judicial complex, thedirector of public safety or the chief of the campus police at the Universityof Rhode Island, the director of public safety or the chief of the departmentof security and safety at Rhode Island College, the director of public safetyor the chief of campus police at the Community College of Rhode Island, or theRhode Island state police in those municipalities where the state policeprovide law enforcement service, to be deployed by that officer in the mannerin which he or she determines will best promote the availability of and accessto the defibrillator by the general public. Provided that one or bothdefibrillators may be deployed to the municipality's fire department if thepolice chief determines that that deployment would best promote the intent andpurpose of this chapter. These defibrillators will at all times be deployed andused in accordance with all applicable federal and state statutes. The RhodeIsland municipal police academy will, in consultation with the coalition forpublic safety defibrillation, also provide training in cardiopulmonaryresuscitation and automated external defibrillator use for all law enforcementpersonnel serving the municipalities and agencies referenced in this section towhich automated external defibrillators have been provided.