§ 23-6.3-7 Confidentiality. (a) It is unlawful for any person to disclose to a third-party the results ofan individual's HIV test without the prior written consent of that individual,except for:
(1) A licensed laboratory or other health care facility thatperforms HIV tests shall report test results to the health care provider whorequested the test and to the director.
(2) A health care provider shall enter HIV test results inthe patient's medical record.
(3) Notification to the director of the department ofchildren, youth and families, pursuant to subdivision 23-6.3-4(3).
(4) As provided in chapter 5-37.3, § 40.1-5-26,§§ 23-6.3-10 and 23-6.3-14 or as otherwise permitted by law.
(5) By a health care provider to appropriate persons entitledto receive notification of individuals with infectious or communicable diseasespursuant to §§ 23-5-9 and 23-28.36-3.
(b) This chapter shall not be construed to interfere with anyother federal or state laws or regulations that provide more extensiveprotection than provided in this chapter for the confidentiality of health careinformation.