§ 23-61-4 Authority of the director. The director is authorized to:
(1) Designate a unit within the department to administer theprovisions of this chapter and provide that unit with the necessary staff,equipment, and operating funds.
(2) Receive and administer funding allocated for radoncontrol programs by the state, agencies of the federal government and otherappropriate funding sources.
(3) Require the owner of any public or high priority buildingto perform such tests for radon as he or she may determine to be necessary tocharacterize the exposure of occupants to radon/radon progeny in the air of thebuilding and/or in the building water supply.
(4) Conduct a voluntary radon/radon progeny testing programfor residents of owner occupied residential dwellings in the state.
(5) Enter any public or high priority building in the statein accordance with §§ 23-61-7(a)(1) and 23-61-7(b)(4) to perform suchtests for radon as he or she may determine to be necessary to evaluate theexposure of occupants to radon/radon progeny in the air of the building and/orin the building water supply.
(6) Institute a public information program to include atelephone information service, written materials, and media advertisements withthe purpose of informing the public regarding radon/radon progeny healtheffects, the necessity for testing of homes and other buildings, therecommended practices for reducing elevated levels of radon and related issues.
(7) Develop and forward for adoption by the state buildingcode commission recommendations for standards of new construction designed toprevent or more easily mitigate elevated radon/radon progeny levels.
(8) Issue regulations for the following purposes:
(i) To establish indoor environmental air exposure standardsand guidelines for radon and radon progeny;
(ii) To establish a drinking water standard for radon;
(iii) To establish criteria for air and water sampling, andtesting for radon and radon progeny;
(iv) To establish criteria for notification of the departmentof mitigation activities to reduce radon/radon progeny exposures in highpriority buildings and public water supplies;
(v) To establish criteria for licensure and certification ofpersons involved in radon/radon progeny testing and mitigation services;
(vi) To require radon/radon progeny testing by appropriateschool officials of each area within public and private schools occupied bychildren in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade;
(vii) To establish work practices and procedures formitigation of radon/radon progeny in buildings;
(viii) To establish procedures for notifications required by§ 23-61-6;
(ix) To assess fees for activities authorized by this chapter.
(9) In promulgating standards, guidelines and regulations andin setting fees authorized by this chapter, the director shall:
(i) Give due consideration to recommendations, standards,guidelines and definitions of other states and the United States;
(ii) Shall follow the provisions of chapter 35 of title 42.