§ 23-61-8 Establishment of fees. A one-time surcharge shall be assessed on new residential construction,excluding renovations, at the rate of two cents ($0.02) per square foot underroof floor space. This surcharge shall be collected by the local buildingofficial at the time an application for a building permit is submitted. Thelocal building official shall collect the surcharge and remit the fundscollected to the department on a quarterly calendar basis beginning no laterthan October 31, 2007 for the preceding quarter, and continuing each thirdmonth thereafter. The local building official shall also submit, on the samecalendar basis, documentation of all building permits for new residentialconstruction issued during the previous calendar quarter. The unit of municipalgovernment issuing the new residential construction building permits may retainfive percent (5%) of the surcharge collected to cover costs associated with thecollection and remittance of the surcharge. All funds remitted to thedepartment pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the general fund asgeneral revenues.