§ 23-63-4.9 Tire deposit system. (a) Every retailer shall require of each consumer purchasing tires a fivedollar ($5.00) deposit on each vehicle tire purchased. The tire deposit shallbe refunded in full within fourteen (14) days from the date the consumerdelivers to the retailer a used vehicle tire. A retailer shall not refuse toaccept from any consumer any used vehicle tire which is reasonably clean andsubstantially intact. No retailer shall be required to refund a tire deposit toany consumer who has not purchased a tire from a retailer, nor shall anyretailer be required to pay out more tire deposit refunds than the number oftires the consumer purchased from the retailer. Any tire deposits held by aretailer and not reclaimed by the consumer after the fourteen (14) day periodshall revert to, and become the property of, the retailer.
(b) All retailers accepting used vehicle tires shall beresponsible for disposal of the tires pursuant to § 23-63-2.
(c) A copy of this section of the general laws, or a summaryof this section of the general laws as approved by the director of thedepartment of environmental management, shall be posted by all retail sellersin a place which is plainly visible to customers.