§ 23-66-6 Expansion of existing sewagesludge incineration facilities Assessment not required. (a) In order to receive state permits, approvals, or financing, the proponentof expansion of an existing sewage sludge incineration facility shall berequired to install and/or use the best available control technology, asdefined by the federal Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7401, et seq. Expansionshall be defined as an increase in design capacity, as registered pursuant tothe department of environmental management air pollution control regulations,of ten percent (10%) or more.
(b) The proponent of expansion of an existing sewage sludgeincineration facility shall not be required to complete a comprehensive healthrisk assessment.
(c) Any proponent of expansion of an existing sewage sludgeincineration facility shall comply with the requirements of § 23-66-5(b)and (c) with respect to public notice, public comment, and holding a publichearing.