§ 23-67-1 Declaration of intent. WHEREAS, The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations recognizes thatmany women who are uninsured and underinsured, who are victims of breast andcervical cancer, as well as their families, are forced to bear substantialphysical, emotional, social, and financial hardships associated with thesecancerous illnesses; and
WHEREAS, The financial costs for treatment and continuedhealth care for women stricken with these types of cancer are oftenprohibitive, because these women are uninsured or underinsured; and
WHEREAS, Many nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island attemptto ameliorate this distressing situation for the victims of breast and cervicalcancer by providing services to help defray the costs associated with the careand treatment of these women not otherwise provided for; and
WHEREAS, As admirable as the efforts of these nonprofitorganizations are, it is widely acknowledged that they lack the funding to meetall of the needs of the women in this state stricken with breast and cervicalcancer.
It is hereby declared to be the intent of the state toprovide a means by which breast and cervical cancer victims, whose needs forresearch, further diagnostic testing and treatment are not otherwise providedfor because they are women, who are uninsured or underinsured, may be financedthrough a special fund as set forth in § 23-67-2. It is also intended thatfunds generated by this special fund be supplemental to any funds which wouldotherwise be available for the above purposes, and that the funds be used onlyfor research, further diagnostic testing, and treatment.